Friday, May 21, 2010


So phyiscal therapy for the thumb seems to be working...I am starting to feel some relief from the constant ache. I have big aspirations for this craft until I can't see straight. I just need the thumb to keep up. I need to start beading so I can add more jewelry to my shops. Plus, all my wonderful co-workers have been my best customers so far and they are looking for "new stuff". They have been patiently awaiting the repair of the thumb just as I have. So stop in to the shops this weekend and see whats new...

I hope you will find just what your looking for...and thank goodness I have therapy on Monday in case I really overdue it :)

Happy Crafting

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The thumb is free!!!!

You may have read that I broke my thumb in March. It was a stupid situation where my thumb got bent back too far and it basically caused a piece of the bone to pull away. I was in a cast for 5 weeks and after that was removed I was put in a split. I started physical therapy and it was suggested that maybe keep the thumb "stuck" in that splint was counter productive. So this past weekend I took that darn thing off and just started doing "stuff". Some tasks are more painful than others, like washing dishes (sorry honey, but it looks like it may still be a few weeks). I tried to do some crafts, but I really don't have any strength in my thumb at all. I cant squeeze a bottle of glue, or a tube of toothpaste for that matter, so everything is being done with my right hand. For crafts that require two thumbs such a barrettes, that is just gonna have to wait a while longer. I am desperate to get back in to creation mode. I feel like my shops are suffering because I can't make any new jewelry right now. Hopefully, with a few more therapy sessions that will change quickly. The next thing I need is a big rush of customers to shop and buy... oh, was I just dreaming there...oops. Reality check...I need a sale or two to boost my confidence.

Stop in and take a peak at my shops, you will find direct links in the buttons to the right of these blog notes. Tell me what you think and leave some feedback. And most of all get out and enjoy the spring air, the sights and the sounds, and count each and every one of your blessings.

Thanks for reading

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hokey Pokey


Well the weekend sale was a bust....not one sale on any of the three sites. I had delusions of major success..the door finally opening, the sales flooding in...sigh. So patience..patience is a vurtue.

So because that was no fun to talk about, how about a mention of the kitten. Oh my goodness, he is the sweetest, most loveable little guy. And he doesn't play favorites, he has spent time curled up with each one of us. My daughter is happier than ever when she is getting love from him. My younger daughter who is 8 think she is the world's best kitten sitter when her sister is at lacrosse. My husband is happy there is some "male" blood in the house. And for me, just seeing my girls happy...makes me happy.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Weekend Sale

It's time for a sale. This Friday (5/7), Saturday (5/8) and Sunday (5/9) shop at any one of my store

and shop with FREE standard SHIPPING for any U.S.A. addresses. International guests can shop for a $2.00 flat rate standard shipping

Stop by and see what fun items are waiting for you
I will be posting new items all weekend so keep checking, you never know what you might find :D

Thanks for looking


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Physical Therapy (oops goofed on the other one)

I started physical therapy today for my thumb. Man it looks awful. It is still swollen, and still hurts like crazy. And as my crafting supplies sit staring at me at home, I wonder when I will be "fixed" enough to work with all my wonderful supplies again. The only saving grace was I had quite a few items made to be able to post. So I am gonna work my butt off and follow every tip and exercise the the therapist gives me so that I can continue to create for Lemonade From My Lemons. Views are still slow at the sites, and no sale now in almost a month. But, I am optimistic that things will change eventually. I'll feel better when I can create again.

Thanks for reading, I love your comments


Physical Therapy

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Kitten part 2/Crafting update.

Well...this kitten is a blessing. Little Mr. Hokey Pokey is a doll. He is the sweetest, most cuddly kitten I have ever seen, and he has been like a miracle cure for my daughter. I have never seen her this happy. True to her word, she has been taking great care of him and the litter box (what a relief). I am very proud of her. And I must say, he has brought so much joy to the rest of the family too.

On the Craft front...I got my cast off of my broken thumb, though I am in a brace for as much as 4 - 6 more weeks (sigh) so I am trying to work on the "behind the scenes" things that I can to promote my shops. Frustrated still with low views and no sales. I am still trying to be patient and wait it out.

I send you blessings and peace:)
